Posts Tagged ‘stress’

Superfoods that lower blood pressure

Superfoods that lower blood pressure

Uncontrolled blood pressure in any age may enhance the risk of many unwanted diseases.  Uncontrolled blood pressure is medically known as hypertension or silent killer because of no warning signs. Prescribed medications are useful to control the blood pressure but having many adverse effects on the health. There are no warning symptoms of the high blood pressure and this problem may contribute heart attack, blindness as well as kidney failure. There are many ways that will help you to control the blood pressure level such as healthy diet, reduction of sodium intake and physical workout. Here are the lists of super foods that are not only delicious but also having surprising benefits over hypertension.

Green Spinach

Adding green spinach in the diet has many health benefits because it contains potassium, folate and magnesium. The presence of these ingredients in the green spinach has many heart-health benefits and also maintaining blood pressure level. This green food is very rich in fiber and also low in calorie. This super food is very useful for those peoples who are fighting with the uncontrolled blood pressure.


This is an inexpensive fruit that is very rich in fiber and easily available. The presence of potassium in bananas helps to lower down the blood pressure level naturally. Medically this is proved that ingestion of potassium brings the blood pressure lower down.


Beans are very nutritious due to the presence of excellent ingredients such as soluble fiber, magnesium, potassium etc. Overall, Beans are excellent food that are not only preventing the risk of heart disease but also lowering the blood pressure.


Potatoes contain the vital nutrients that are very healthy for heart and also playing important role for the smooth flow of blood. The presence of both minerals like potassium and magnesium in the potatoes reduce the excess of sodium that raises the blood flow. This healthy food keeps high blood pressure at bay and improves the heart health.


Avocado is well known as powerhouse of potassium and contains the 975 milligrams of minerals. Avocado is very healthy for heart due to the presence of vitamins, phytonutrients, minerals and monounsaturated fat. Avocados are complete package for those peoples who are suffering with the uncontrolled blood pressure problem. Improvement in the blood pressure is also depending on the lifestyle so avoid smoking and excessive drinking.

Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolates are always very delicious but also have benefits over the high blood pressure. Phytochemicals that are present in the dark chocolate prevent the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Subclass of the polyphenols known as flavonoid that is lower in sugar, fat and calories lowering the blood pressure level. There is no doubt that naturally improving the blood flow through healthy diet is a safest way.

Remember that high blood pressure affect the health of blood vessels and arteries. Uncontrolled blood supply in the entire body including vital organ may lead to ED in young age.

Super foods that eliminate the Stress

Super foods that eliminate the Stress

Stress is a common health problem nowadays and millions of peoples are taking medications to eliminate it.  Are you sure that the medical treatment of excessive stress is a safe way? Overstress is not only enhancing the risk of mental illnesses but also affect the physical health. Factors that supporting the stress are many such as unhealthy lifestyle, poor dieting, problems in relationship, financial issue etc. There are many natural eatables that are not only helps in the stress elimination but also nourish the physical health.  Not all the eatables food can relieve the stress so choose wisely. Here are the list of calming foods that are providing the essential nutrients and a good source of energy.

Stress-eliminator foods


The higher presence of folic acid in this green veggie helps to stabilize your mood. During the stress, body releases the hormones that directly affect your mood. Eating asparagus regularly helps to keep our mood steady because it contains the certain vitamins like vitamin B and mineral like folic acid. These essential vitamins and minerals are build-up the chemical known as serotonin that changes our mood in a positive way.


Avocados are well known as quick stress reliever because these are very rich in Glutathione. This is substances that reduce the absorption of certain fats that causes oxidative damage. As compare to other fruits, avocados are contains the higher amount of beta-carotene, vitamin E, lutein and folate. The presence of vital mineral like potassium in this fruit helps to control the blood pressure.

Benefits of green tea

Benefits of green tea

Green Tea

Green tea is a widely-consumed beverage on the earth after natural water. We all know the relaxing effects of the green tea because it contains stress-busting nutrients. Medically prove that consumption of green tea enhances the alertness without making you drowsy. The presence of amino acid known as L-theanine is only found in the green tea leaves that block the neurons from sending stress signals.


There are many health benefits of including all kinds of berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Blueberries are very rich in antioxidant known as anthocyanin that has many positive health benefits including sharper cognition. Including all kinds of berries in your diet is very helpful to combating stress. And the presence of vitamin C control the blood pressure level and preventing the risk of other health problems.


Chocolates are very good for the healthy-heart because this treat contains the healthy antioxidants. Dark Chocolates may lower the stress hormones as per research results and improve the mood. Dark chocolates are not only eliminating the stress but also lower down the blood pressure.

Additional: – Natural liquid

We all know the other health benefits of drinking plenty of water but this natural liquid is also providing the quick relief from the stress. Water keeps your body hydrated and you always feel happy from the inside.