Top 6 reasons why laughing is Good for You

Posted: December 11, 2013 in Health & Fitness
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why laughing is Good for You

why laughing is Good for You

Laughing is considered as a best feeling in the world that helps you to feel better from inside. Laughter is a mild workout in which we stretch our face muscles and our pulse as well as blood pressure goes up.  We always breathe faster when laugh and it enhance the intake of oxygen. Laughter has very similar impacts on the body like exercise. Laughter is a best exercise that burns the extra calories. There are many health benefits and amazing results found after the research on the laughing. Here the health benefits that are easily obtained from the laughter.

Benefits of Laughter

Helps to lower the blood pressure

Laughter is a best medication for those who suffer with the hypertension or high blood pressure. There is no doubt that laughter is balance the blood pressure level and reduces the risk of cardiac health problems. Laughter exercise is powerfully works against the heart diseases and increasing the oxygenated blood flow in the entire body. Laughing causes the tissue that forms inner lining of blood vessels known as endothelium enhances the better blood flow and fight against the thickening of arteries or atherosclerosis.

Reduces the stress hormone levels

Laughter is a free of cost exercise that easily provides the relief from stress. The level of stress hormones automatically decreases after laughing. There are many mental health risks that are caused due to the Stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine. It helps to lower down the stress hormones in your body and improve the performance of immunity system. This is proved that laughter has additional benefits over the cancer treatments and on the HIV patients.

Abs workout

Always start your day with the laughter because it is an abs workout exercise. It helps you to tone your abs by expanding and contracting the stomach muscles. The practice of the laughter yoga prevents the risk of migraine, depression, anxiety and pain. Overall, Laughter is very good for the physical and psychological health as well as works wonder for you tummy.

Natural pain reliever

It is believed that laughter is quickly providing the relief from the pain and you don’t required prescription. During the bad situation laughter helps to reduce the fear and anger. It enhances the growth of endorphins that helps in the pain management and offers a feeling of well-being.

Boost the Immunity Strength

If you are dealing with the different health problems due to the weak immunity strength then start laughing. Laughter is not only suppressing the stress hormones but also improve the immunity strength. It helps to releasing the negative emotions easily; improve the blood circulation and increase the level of salivary immunoglobulin that fight against the bacterial infection.

Impacts on Blood sugar levels

Laughter has many positive impacts on the body. It affects the blood sugar levels and keeps it under control after having a meal. The diabetic patients are normally used the medications to control the blood sugar levels.

  1. […] Top 6 reasons why laughing is Good for You ( […]

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